For iPhone:

  1. Enter Settings -> Wi-Fi
  2. On the "csu-net" network name, click the blue  icon
  3. Locate the toggleable setting "Private Wi-Fi Address" and disable it
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for the "csu-visitor" network name
  5. Provide us with the new Wi-Fi Address that appears following this change

For Android Devices:

  1. Enter Settings -> Network and Internet -> Wi-FI
  2. On the "csu-net" network name, click the gear icon
  3. Select "Advanced"
  4. Locate the "MAC Address Type" menu and tap on it
  5. Select "Use Phone/Device MAC"
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the "csu-visitor" network name
  7. Provide us with the new MAC Address that appears following this change

For Android Devices (Google): 

  1. Enter Settings -> Network and Internet -> Wi-FI
  2. On the "csu-net" network name, click the gear icon
  3. Enter Advanced -> Privacy
  4. Select "Use Device MAC"
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the "csu-visitor" network name
  6. Provide us with the new MAC Address that appears following this change

For all other devices, please contact us for further assistance.